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Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2004 - 3:07 pm

Another List

1. Christopher Reeve died. It makes me sad. He was always so positive. I remember when I broke both of my arms (yes, at the same time,) I was watching Oprah and he was a guest. He was just so happy and determined. It made me feel like a chump for feeling sorry for myself.

2. Please vote. Remember, you CAN make a difference. And when you go vote, take a slacker friend with you. I'm taking two. We can't afford 4 more years of this... well, unless you work for Halliburton.

3. Why do 40 year old women feel the need to put pink streaks in their hair? You�re just too fucking OLD to be punk rock! (Unless of course you�re Debbie Harry� then you ARE punk rock!!)

4. If you�re reading this, I�m sorry about your mom, I hope she�s recovering

5. I think there�s crack in the chicken and wild rice soup at Panera. Its just too addicting to not have that as a main ingredient.

6. CSI Season 4 is released today on DVD. Yes, I am a complete CSI geek.

7. Leaving for Mexico in 4 days. It�s the first vacation with the new beau. Could make or break us. It makes me somewhat nervous. The last guy I took with me to Puertecitos made the trip disastrous for all.



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